New class: The Mystic. A Druid/Cleric Hybrid That Can be Flavored However You Like.
I wanted to make a class that wasn’t inherently tied to a particular religious system within the world, but that could easily be a druid or cleric. What I came up with would be very easy to make into either a cleric or druid specifically, by limiting the usable spells to their respective spells in OSE Advanced or AD&D.
This class will be in the game for which I plan to launch a kickstarter in the next 3-5 months.
This class is designed for use with my OSR Compatible Magic System.
Here, we have a few decisions I made that I can explain:
D8 Hit dice. This is simply because all of my HD for PCs are one step higher than in B/X. Not a relative power bump.
Armor. Armor can be worn, but the AC increase is deducted from cantrip casting rolls. I think this is a completely fair penalty. Most cantrips have a 30-40% chance of success at low levels, but eventually become nearly guaranteed to succeed. Using armor and taking this penalty make the character more powerful, but limits their magical capabilities. This is a variable that the player has to choose to balance, and is in spirit with the OSR “resource management” philosophy.
Healing hands. With my magic system, the only healing magic is really available in scroll form, which is extremely rare compared to “pray for Cure Light Wounds” every single morning. I think a small healing ability is not overpowered at all in this context, and falls in line with the cleric/druid aesthetic.
And here is the class in it’s complete form!
Mystical Cantrips
Entanglement - Difficulty: 10
With a range of 40’, all plants in a 10’ radius will animate to entangle creatures in that area for one minute per level of the Mystic. Creatures can free themselves with a DEX save, once per turn. They move through the entangled area at half speed.
Favor - Difficulty: 7
Allies get +1 to attack and damage rolls or AC (ally’s choice) for a number of rounds equal to the Mystic’s level. Alternatively, may be used to purify rotten or poisoned food or water for up to 12 people. May be used once per turn.
Hush - Difficulty: 10
A 10’ radius within a range of 30’ + Mystic level x 5 is rendered silent for 1 Turn per Mystic level. There is no sound inside of the area, making verbal communication and spell casting impossible. However, outside noise can be heard. Hush can be cast on an object or person, and the silence follows them.
Light - Difficulty: 7
An object of the Mystic’s choosing will radiate soft light the same as a torch, for 1 turn per level. Can be ended at-will.
Protection from Evil - Difficulty: 9
Against a creature of evil nature, the Mystic gains a +1 bonus to saving throws, and the affected creature's attacks against the Mystic are made at a -1 penalty. Enchanted, constructed, or summoned creatures cannot engage in melee with the Mystic. Lasts 1 turn per level of the Mystic.
Rally - Difficulty: 8
Counters magical fear effects for the Mystic and allies within 20’ + another 10’ per Mystic level. Cannot be used more than once per turn.
Read Magic - Difficulty: 7
Enables the Wizard to interpret scrolls, magical inscriptions or runes, and magic items within 10’. After successfully casting on an object, the Wizard is always able to read the magic of that particular object. May only be used once per turn.
Sense Magic - Difficulty: 8
Concentrate on a small area within 30’ for one turn, magic objects, areas, or creatures will begin to glow in a way only visible to the Mystic, for one turn. Failed checks may be reattempted, but will take another turn of focus.
Turn Undead - Difficulty: 10
Instantly destroy or scare away 2d6 HD worth of undead creatures (ascending HD order, max HD of 4 for a single monster) according to the table below. Turned undead will run away for 1 turn. If INT is under 6, they will forget about the incident, otherwise they may attack. Upon failure, may be reattempted without a break